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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is a native fruit of Central America and grows in areas with tropical climates, subtropical, arid to temperate regions. The benefits of dragon fruit has been known throughout the world.
This fruit is an excellent antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals and cancer. The fruit has a taste somewhat bland. Efficacy of dragon fruit is for the body to neutralize the toxins, and also bind heavy metals.
A high content of vitamin C in dragon fruit benefits dragon fruit made very useful to boost immunity to help heal wounds / bruises. The content of vitamin B2 and B1 in dragon fruit is very good for increasing metabolism and restore appetite. Plus, dragon fruit also contains vitamin B3 which serves to lower cholesterol levels. Not yet finished, dragon fruit also has benefits to cure cough and asthma to treat high blood pressure.
Moreover, dragon fruits contain not only vitamins, but also phosphorus and calcium can make bones stronger and healthier teeth. We can conclude that the dragon fruit is excellent for those who want to lose weight and blood sugar levels.
Red Dragon Fruit - Benefits
The benefits of red dragon fruit known to be effective for lowering blood glucose levels. Red dragon fruit is a fruit that is high in fiber that can help the process of digestion and also helps to reduce fat in the body.
Red dragon fruit also serves to keep your eyes healthy as red dragon fruit also contains carotene.
Efficacy of red dragon fruit next is to prevent and treat heart disease, cancer, to help lower blood pressure. This is because the dragon fruit contains lycopene. Red dragon fruit also serves to help the formation of a network because this fruit contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, calcium, protein and phosphorus.
To obtain the benefits of dragon fruit is the maximum, you can make it into juice and drink it regularly. Each cup of dragon fruit contains approximately 100kkal. But if you do not have time to process into juice, then you can take it directly to obtain benefits.

Ornamental plants Pachypodium

Ornamental plants Pachypodium one is actually popular in Indonesia around the beginning of the 1990s era. But somehow new in the early 2007's interest to return crowded plants. And abroad, already more than 1 century, researchers, enthusiasts and collectors hunting and collecting rare plants that supposedly endangered plant species.

Pachypodium plants that supposedly is believed to have lived for millions of years before the stone age era, is a plant that can continue to evolve and be able to adjust to the habitat in which it grows. The rest of this one ancient plants can still survive and sustainable mampumenarik until now has been the interest of researchers and collectors of rare plants since the end of the 18th century.

 New species of Pachypodium plants continue born, being able to evolve that occurs in these plants continue to bear the new hybrid species, not only in the natural habitat (Madagascar), but across the continent in which plants can grow and evolve. It is said that there are hundreds of species of Pachypodium plants that can not be identified and classified.

While this is only about 25 species are widely known in the world. In Indonesia, this plant is new to the era of the 1990s, cultivated species is limited (approximately less than 15 species which can be found in Indonesia) because of compliance requirements and stunted growth protection problems imposed by the country of origin (Madagascar), and other countries in Southern Africa.
 Yet there is very Pachypodium species of plants attract the lovers of ornamental plants in Indonesia because of the thorny cob shape and form of leaves and flowers are beautiful.

Pachypodium is a plant native (endemic plants) on the island of Madagascar, southern Africa (Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Swaziland).

Many people consider Pachypodium cactus like plants, and some are even considered included in the class of ornamental plants palm.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Iron Wood (Ulin Wood)

Iron Wood (Ulin Wood) is one of the typical types of wood from one of the islands in Indonesia, namely the island of Borneo. Wood that has commercial value quite well in this market (see list of commercial timber species) have characteristics brown yellow or brown there is also a gray-black on the wooden surface of the terrace. While the sapwood yellow brown. Between the porch and the pig looks clear boundaries. (Read terms and patio timber sapwood).ironwoodimages of http://iklanabc.comActually, other than in Borneo, Ironwood can also be found on other islands in Indonesia, namely on the island of Sumatra (South Sumatra). Only, perhaps the popularity of the island of Sumatra as a producer of iron wood still lost by Kalimantan. Because, in Borneo is much easier to find this timber than in Sumatra or in other words it place an iron timber. That's why people who know a lot more if it is wood, iron wood typical of Kalimantan.
Wood is also known as ironwood has very good resistance level. According alerts, wood is classified as the type of wood that has a durability class 1 and class 1 level of strength as well. That means the wood is really durable and strong.ironwoodimages of is quite special, iron wood is very resistant to changes in temperature, humidity and seawater influence. Therefore, people often use them in the manufacture of various kinds of heavy construction that requires quality raw materials with the level of durability and excellent strength as in the manufacture of building under water, docks, bridges, utility poles, railway sleepers and various other heavy construction.
However, in the furniture industry, including ironwood tree species are not recommended if used to make furniture. For although this could ironwood sawed and cut, but the level of violence is very hard wood, will be very difficult if further processing later. Especially if it is used to make furniture combined with ornamental carvings, it would be more difficult and the final results obtained will not be maximized. In addition, the use of wood to make furnitre iron can also cause production costs to be more expensive than usual, because the machine or woodworking tools easily worn and dull or even break even so it takes more to the cost of care.

Tamarind Wood

Tamarind wood is one of the wood species typical of the tropics in particular Indonesia, which has a fairly good commercial value in the market. In Indonesia, tamarind wood comes from several islands of Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Maluku and Nusa Tenggara, but it is possible if the wood is also known as a beacon of wood can be found in other areas apart from the areas already mentioned it. Because the distribution of this tamarind tree timber is quite fast and can be grown in any area in Indonesia.
In nature, tamarind wood stock with a large size and still very much in common. Therefore, wood is widely used by the public (especially the timber industry) as a timber. That is as a raw material for making furniture teak replace the stock in the diminishing day by day and also the price is very expensive. (Read around the high price of teak)
Typically, furniture made from tamarind wood has its own characteristics, which further highlight the impression of robustness in design. That is, tamarind wood furniture from most of its components made very thick and there may not be made with the sheer size of less than 3 cm. Especially at the top table (leaf), the thickness of the wood used is from 4 to 15 cm. Really hard to find the size of teak wood furniture.
Besides being used for furniture, tamarind wood is also widely used as a raw material in the manufacture of a wide range of high value products such as for making veneer, doors, statues, carvings, and various other craft products.
To know more about tamarind wood, here are some common characteristics of tamarind wood or wood flare:

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Sungkai Wood

Sungkai wood is one timber species are very familiar in Indonesia. Therefore, sungkai wood is very often used by people for various purposes such as for making a variety of indoor furniture, veneer or even used as a timber to make a roof truss. In this case, wood sungkai been not without consideration, sungkai wood was chosen because, in general it is proven good quality, although not as good as the quality of teak or rosewood. However, as timber, wood quality sungkai is considered quite nice and also very favored by the workers, because sungkai wood can be easily worked or processed (shaped and cut) so there is no difficulty when processing it.
In addition, the other consideration is the price factor. When compared to the price of timber species such as teak or rosewood, timber prices sungkai relatively cheaper so more cost effective. And this makes the demand for wood sungkai always increasing day by day. Make the timber into the class of commercial timber species in Indonesia.
But, when compared to teak, sungkai still has some shortcomings, namely at the level of violence timber. Basically, it includes sungkai wood wood species with a very high level of violence so that the wood is so easy to crack or even break. In addition, another drawback of wood sungkai is no level of durability and strength. This includes the level of durability of wood is not too good and not too strong. Even in the classification released by the Ministry of Forestry, the durability of wood sungkai including grade III, while the power belongs to the class II to III. So, it is not recommended for use in places exposed to the sun with high intensity continuous and also use the space directly in contact with the ground (eg use for garden furniture).

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Rose Wood

As well as teak, rosewood is one type of tropical wood has a beautiful fiber, and both are also classified into luxury timber species. However, rosewood has special characteristics that distinguishes it from teak or other tropical wood species. Rosewood mostly purple-streaked black streak, probably for most of this wood there is also a black-purple striped with reddish brown.rosewoodIn Indonesia, rosewood is often found in several areas in Java which is in Central Java and East Java. But for now rather difficult to find because this wood supply is waning. The cause was a time growing timber tree species that are classified as long rosewood trees. For now, though there are, it may be very difficult to find a rosewood logs in diameter or more than 35 cm, and if anything, the price is definitely expensive. Yeah no wonder, as described above, it's wood is quite luxurious wood so the price is also well.
Speaking of price, the price calculation rosewood as well as other types of wood, rosewood price is calculated per cubic meter (M3) with the standard price varies depending on the diameter of the trunk. The larger the diameter of the rod, the higher priced or expensive wood.Rosewood has a smooth texture and has a decorative value which is not only good enough but very good. In addition, the rosewood is also known as a type of wood that has a very good level of durability and wood is also a strong wood. That is very resistant rosewood from termite attack or other wood destroying insects even without being given first wood preservative. So no need to use this wood preservative. Strong in the sense that for the wooden porch and not the pig or side of the timber. (Please read the terms meaning sapwood wood and wood patio Gubal Understanding Wood, Wood Terrace and Circle of the Year).In the timber trade, including rosewood belle commodities or precious wood species is expensive and highly in demand in the market because the wood is in great demand by factories or companies veneer maker of luxury that the majority of their products, the veneer of rosewood is used as a coating on the surface of expensive plywood.A rosewood hardwood species, ie porous timber tightly so it does not easily rot or wood selunak kapok or cotton wood and the like. This wood is a type of wood that is easy to handle so rosewood fall into a good timber species. Wood is very convenient and widely used as a raw material of various wood products with good quality. Various kinds of products produced or made from rosewood, among others: furniture products which include cabinets, chairs, tables, couches, doors, frames, wood floors. Various handicrafts handicraft, carving items, musical instruments and various other high quality items.

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Sengon Wood

What is sengon? Sengon is one of the wood species typical of the tropics. In Indonesia, the wood is very familiar and widely available in Java. Because, on this island sengon trees planted or cultivated by many people, both individually and in groups. Even in this area, management is done seriously. You know why? Because, they realized sengon is one type of tropical hardwood that has a very good commercial value in the commodities market. Thus cultivating plants sengon can be regarded as a promising investment for days.
What sengon yeah cultivation is a promising investment?Sengon crop was rated by many as a promising investment is reasonable and correct. Because there are several reasons that could be made to cultivate considerations, such as:

The harvest has been rapid: sengon trees have a relatively rapid period of growth when compared to other tropical tree species such as mahogany or teak. Sengon trees can be harvested or felled trees at the age of 5 years, although at the age of 5 years tree diameter wood products is still small but the wood has been sold in the market.

Number of requests: sengon a type of forest that has a high absorption. In other words, the need for sengon commodity markets is very high. It can be an indicator of high demand for sengon are many companies processing wood (plywood or plywood mills) were established in Indonesia. These companies require sengon as raw materials in the production process. Conditions like this is definitely a great opportunity.

Easy to sell: With the high demand, meaning sales sengon certainly would not be difficult alias easy. For each timber processing plant stand definitely need sengon. As for the problem selling price, selling price generally varies sengon, judged by the large-small diameter rod and set the price per cubic meter.
Then, as if sengon it? To be more clear about sengon, here are some of the traits sengon:

information sengon
Sengon is a type of soft wood. In a sense this wood feels soft to the touch similar to wood or wood kapok kapok.

Color: wooden terrace or the center of the little white-colored wood, and there is also a portion of the porch sengon pale brown wood. And part pig or wood edge has the same color with the color of the center is white. So the boundary between sapwood and wood patio indistinguishable pins alias unlike other types of tropical wood, teak contuhnya, Which was the boundary between sapwood and wood patio pins.

Texture: mostly rough sengon bertektur

Scent: the new kondid cut or wet conditions, sengon has a smell similar to a banana tree. But the smell will disappear by itself when the wood is dry.

Wood surface: sengon have a little bit slippery surfaces and shiny.