Friday, March 29, 2013

Agathis Wood

Agathis wood!! Perhaps for those lovers of the instrument timber type name is not familiar. Yups, agathis wood is often used by the industry as a musical instrument maker of raw materials for the manufacture of guitars. Although, the sound quality of the products produced using agathis wood is not very good, but this wood can be used as an alternative because the price is relatively cheaper than other types of materials guitar.yah, in Indonesia, agathis wood including one commercially valuable timber species you know (read a variety of commercially valuable timber). That is because the demand for this wood so that his popularity rose and fresh at the market value.agathis wood
Apart needed by the guitar maker, actually agathis wood is also much needed by industries other wood processing. In practice, often the wood-processing industries that use agathis wood as a raw material in the production process. They use wood to create a wide range of indoor furniture products are high value on the market such as office desk, kitchen cabinets, etc.. In addition, agathis wood is also widely used by plywood mills as raw material to create a triplex or multiplex.For those who do not understand what kind of agathis wood, the following are the specifications and at the same general features agathis wood:

Color wood: In the condition has a board, the terraces and wooden pig is generally the same color but a little whitish yellow-white, and sometimes there is a little yellow brown pink. So, between the porch and the pig on agathis wood is almost invisible limit. (Read what it sapwood and terrace)

Texture of wood: agathis wood much liked by the public because this wood is known to have a nice texture that is smooth and evenly textured.

Direction of fibers in wood: most agathis wood grain in straight, but sometimes twisted. And if touched, it feels slippery wood surface.

Weight of wood: agathis wood belonging to the type of wood light though not as light as wood or wood sengon jabon. According, agathis wood has a dry density average of 0.49.

Rate durability of wood: Wood is classified as the type of wood that is not very durable-durable and not easily weathered. So in other words the level of durability being. According to data, agathis wood's durability level belonging to the class IV and power belong to the class III level.

Wood hardness level: relatively moderate.

Properties of wood: in practice, relatively easy agathis wood, the wood is easy to cut, shaved, molded, etc..

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1 comment:

  1. Agathis is a type of mahogany. These are from the same family. I'm not an expert on wood, but I have an Ibanez bass that advertizes a mahogany body, and in some ads it says the body is agathis. ??? When looking at the Ibanez bass next to a Gibson SG, both wood grains look similar. Both have those dark line grains that run in a straight line direction. Both seem to be about the same weight wise. In either case, both are very beautiful. So, is my Ibanez real mahogany or agathis that can be called mahogany? As far as one quality, I have nothing to compare it to. As far as tone, beauty is in the ear of the beholder. What really matters to me, is if I like the tones of this bass, and not whether it's "real mahogany" or a type of mahogany that is less expensive. I do like the tones of this bass. That could be due to many factors like the type of pick-ups, the active electronics, the neck, bridge and so on. I own a lot of guitars, all with their own unique voice. I like the sound of all of them, if I didn't I would sell them or trade 'em for something I do like, which I have done many times. Guitar a bass tone is very subjective and to me there is no such thing as the "best" sound. One man's feast is another man's poison.
